A real treat for the kids
and a bit of exercise for the parents!

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About us

A Hungarian toy with a story.

A toy that was born out of a dad’s caring to find a joyful activity for his small girl… And the story did not end there. Since then, it has become a staple in almost every household, alongside the stroller, and millions of children have used it to get to the nursery. You could say that the cutest biker community in the country was born.

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The largest range of small motorbike colours available in Hungary!

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About us

Our story started with a single motorbike. Today we are already present in 14 countries with our products. The predecessor of our company has been in business for almost 30 years. To this day, all motorbikes are made in Hungary, where the commitment is steady.

We created the plastic motorbike, a favourite childhood toy of almost all of us and still used by many children around the world, in a small garage in Budapest. After a long design phase, the prototype was born, was made for my small girl. It soon became clear that many children in the area would like to have a bike like this, and so we started mass producing it in the garage. Today, MotoKidZ is a renowned plastic toy manufacturer in Hungary, Europe and the Middle East. We work exclusively with quality EU materials. We pay attention to aspects such as environmental awareness and social responsibility.

-Laszlo Neizer-


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